Prvi LIFE projekt, ki ga je pripravil in vodil Inštitut LUTRA, smo jeseni 2009 uspešno zaključili.
Njegovo ime – AQUALUTRA – je prevzel Vidrin raziskovalni in turistični center v Križevcih na Goričkem, kjer nadaljujemo številne dejavnosti, ki so tudi po izteku projekta namenjene raziskovanju in ohranjanju vidre ter izobraževanju in ozaveščanju obiskovalcev.
Za več informacij lahko obiščete spletno stran
Logično nadaljevanje prvega LIFE projekta je bil drugi, AQUAVIVA: Živa voda – od biodiverzitete do pipe, namenjen promociji biodiverzitete celinskih voda in usmerjanju pozornosti javnosti na vse večje siromašenje življenja v celinskih vodnih ekosistemih, ki nam zagotavljajo številne nenadomestljive dobrine. Projekt smo zasnovali, prijavili in vodili na Inštitutu LUTRA (2011 do 2014) in bili zanj tudi nagrajeni – Evropska komisija ga je izbrala med pet najboljših informacijskih LIFE projektov v letu 2015. O podrobnostih in rezultatih projekta na naslovu
Informiranje in ozaveščanje o pomenu biodiverzitete (raznoživosti) nadaljujemo v tretjem zaporednem LIFE projektu, NATURAVIVA (Biodiverziteta – umetnost življenja), ki smo ga pripravili skupaj z Nacionalnim inštitutom za biologijo in k sodelovanju pritegnili še 5 slovenskih naravnih parkov, Botanični vrt, Center biotehnike in turizma GRM Novo mesto in Kmetijsko-gozdarsko zbornico Slovenije. Projekt smo začeli jeseni 2017, trajal pa bo pet let. Obiščite stran, presenečeni boste!
The first LIFE project, prepared and managed by the LUTRA Institute, was successfully finished in autumn 2009.
Name AQUALUTRA – was taken over by Otter's Research and Tourist Center in Križevci in Goričko region, where we continue with a number of activities intended for research and conservation of otter as well as with education and awareness of our visitors.
For more information visit
The logical continuation of the first LIFE project was our second one AQUAVIVA: Live Water – From biodiversity to pipe. Its main objective was to promote the biodiversity of inland waters and focussing public's attention to increasing impoverishment of life in inland water ecosystems, which provide us with many irreplaceable goods. The project was designed, applied and managed at LUTRA Institute (2011 to 2014) and was awarded by the European Commission which selected our project among top five information LIFE projects in 2015. For more information and results of the project visit
We continue with informing and raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity in third LIFE project NATURAVIVA (Biodiversity –Art of life), which we prepared together with the National Institute of Biology and later invited to participate five Slovenian natural parks, University of Ljubljana (Botanical Garden), Center of Biotehnics and Tourism – Grm Novo Mesto and the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia. We started the project in autumn 2017 and it will last for five years. Visit and be amazed!