Boomerangers visited centre Aqualutra

20130730bumerang srece7On Tuesday, 30th July 2013, we had a special visit in centre Aqualutra in Križevci, Goričko. Next door, in sport centre Križevci, children have a summer camp Boomerang of happiness. Children came to visit in two groups. During the visit they met otter, their mysterious neighbour. With the help of mounted animals children met otter's relatives, they touched otter's fur, counted fingers on otter's paw ... for the end we visited nearby stream with the yougest children. There children could catch and see smaller freshwater inhabitants. Lovely visit, filled with infant curiosity. Insight in our day is available in the gallery.

Otter on "Happy holidays" at Jezersko

20130716 jezersko4On a sunny day, 16th July 2013, we have joined the children from Jezersko during »Happy holidays« which are for 15 years organized by Anica Jakopič from the pensioners' associations Jezersko. This year's workshops dedicated to the Year of Water were variegated by Lutra Institut. The children took a walk along the stream Jezernica up to Lake Planšar and hunted small aquatic animals that were hiding in the sand and under rocks. They learned about the life of the otter and the beaver. Children also created models of wetlands and got to know their importance for people. Finally, they viewed casts of otter footprints and footprints of other mammals. Some highlights from Jezersko can be seen in the gallery. 

The second Lent is behind us

20130705 lent1Also this year we responded to the invitation from the Friends of Youth Association (Zveze prijateljev mladine Maribor) and joined their workshops Chat with animals (Klepet z živalicami). So on Friday, 5th July 2013, we presented freshwater inhabitants of all sizes.  Visitors could observe live smaller inhabitants of park's pond, while larger animals were represented with the help of diverse natural materials. Main stars of the event were our plushy assistants, otter and beaver. Visitors of all age could count number of mayfly larva tails, compare great diver (beetle) and backswimmer (true bug), touch otter's fur, learn who fells trees, ... Some photos from the event are available in the gallery.

Aquaviva among kayakers and canoeists

20130614 solkan1From 13th to 16th June 2013 ICF Wildwater Canoeing sprint world championship took place in Solkan. On Friday, 16th of June, we joined the event to represent the project Aquaviva. We participated in the accompanying educational program, where we presented the project with two stands. The organizers have invited nearby primary and secondary schools. Five primary schools have responded the invitation and also visited our stand. At the first stand we were presenting the biodiversity of underwater and riparian stream life, while on the other we performed water experiments. A few highlights from sunny Solkan can be seen in gallery.