From a tadpole to a frog

20140317  vrhovci brdo metulji2We started the week with an interesting nature education day for group the group Butterflies (Metulji) from kindergarten Vrhovci, unit Brdo. On Monday, 17th March, we met at the stream nearby kindergarten and learned about different stages of amphibian development.


Water experiments with Mice

20140203 vrhovci brdo miske4This year we celebrated World Wetland Day with group Mice from kindergarten Vrhovci, unite Brdo. Together we performed water experiments and learned many interesting things about water.


Water experiments in kindergarten Miškolin

20131125 Vrtec Miškolin-1In November, we performed the last workshops in this calendar year. With  water experiments we brightened days of children in kindergarten Miškolin.


The visit of invasive alien species

Tujerodne invazivne vrste na obisku On Wednesday, 13th November 2013, we were invited by nature conservation campaign Let's conserve Slovenian wolf to conducte a lecture on Alien invasive species in Slovenia in Hostel Tresor in Ljubljana.