Researching freshwaters with kindergarten Vodmat

20140325 vrtec-vodmat-klinicni-center1Despite the bad weather we managed to perform nature education day on Tuesday, 25th March 2014,for groups Ladybugs (Pikapolonice) and Owls (Sovice) from kindergarten Vodmat, unit Klinični center.

To each group separately we presented two groups of freshwater inhabitants: freshwater invertebrates and amphibians. First children observed smaller freshwater inhabitants with a help of magnifying glass and stereo microscope. They learned we can use them fr evaluating the state of water bodies.

Then we presented several amphibian species, with and without a tail. Children could observe differences between a brown frog and a toad. They learned the cycle of amphibian development and why is tree frog so good at climbing. And for the end they got know a shy alpine newt.

Photos from the nature education day, co-financed by City of Ljubljana, are available in the gallery.