Researching freshwaters with Elves

20140321 vrtec-vrhovci-brdo-skratki6As we started, we ended the week, at a nature education day for children from kindergarten Vrhovci, unit Brdo. On Friday, 21st March 2014, we had a nature education day Water researchers by a forest stream for group Elves (Škratki). 

Equiped with water nests we researched what lives in forest stream. All the animals, we caught, we observed in pots with magnifying glass. With the help of invertabrates we also determined the state of our stream - it was polluted.

Besides invertebrates we presented also amphibians, since we were able to observe in the stream frogspawn and tadpoles of brown frogs. We brought with us adult common frogs (Rana temporaria), toads (Bufo bufo) and alpine newt (Mesotriton alpestris). Children could observe all stages of development of frogs - tailless amphibians, learned what is amplexus and got to know shy alpine newt, a representative of Urodela - amphibians, which have tail in larval and adult stage.

Photos form the nature education day, co-financed by City of Ljubljana, are available in the gallery