Final visit to Čenča for this year

20131112 vrtec-najdihojca enota-cenca polzki7And we came to an end of nature education days in kindergarten Najdihojca for year 2013. On Tuesday, 12th November 2013, and Wednesday, 13th November 2013, we performed last thre nature eduction days in unite Čenča. We visited groups Ptički (Birdies), Polžki (Snails) and Zvezdice (Stars).

With Birdies we performed some simple water experiments and finished our activity by cleaning water, used for experiments, with a simple mini water cleaning plant. Snails got a chance to learn about otter and make it a home. And on last day we stopped by at Stars. After learning what kind of footprints do different animals make, we made their prints in clay. How did our activities, which are co-financed by the City of Ljubljana, look like, you can see in the gallery