Yellow pond lily


Yellow pond lily (Nuphar luteum) is an aquatic perennial plant of the family Nymphaeaceae. The plant is anchored with 3 to 8 cm thick roots in the muddy bottom of stagnant or slow flowing waters, that are 30 cm to 3 m deep. Underwater leaves are gentle and similar to lettuce leaves. Leaves that are floating on the surface have long triangular stems and are round or heart-shaped. The top surface is coated with a cuticle, which prevents wetting. The floating leaf has well developed palisade and spongy tissue. On the underside of the leaves are mucus glands.

The flowers of this plant are yellow, with thick petals. They sprout above the waterline from June to September. Open flowers measure up to 5 cm in diameter. Fruits are shaped like pods and contain many seeds. They are floating because the cavities inside are filled with air. In this stage are dispersed by water currents. After a while the air escapes from cavities and fruits sink to the bottom.

Conservation status

In Slovenia the yellow pond lily is listed on the Red list as vulnerable species.