12th Andersen’s Živ Žav and 3rd Eco family picnic

Here comes another working Saturday (25th May 2013), this time dedicated to children. In Ljubljana, we will join 12th Andersen's Živ Žav, which this year's theme is "Water, the source of youth". This is a charity event organized by the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten. The Aquaviva team will have the Otter stand, where the children will learn about the otter and her many friends that live in inland waters. Join us from 9 to 13 o'clock in the unit Marjetica at Bitenčeva 4.

Similarly, we will have a stand at the 3rd Eco family picnic in Žalec, where it will be rich variety of events. Visitors will be able to visit the market, attend various lectures and workshops. Eco Picnic will be held from 9 to 19 o'clock in the park Nivo Žalec. Since the event was postponed because of the weather, the Eco picnic will be held on 8th June 2013.

Visit us at cleaning action Ljubljanica 2013

On Saturday, 20th April 2013, from 9 am, will be held 22nd Traditional cleaning action Ljubljanica 2013 in Ljubljana. Cleaning Ljubljanica is organized by the DPA Vivera. The river will be cleaned by divers in the area between Špica and Three Bridges. Found rubbish will be collected at the Čevljarski Bridge, where the team Aquaviva will be present. We will have a standfor passers where the biodiversity of freshwaters will be represent. Water is not cleaned just for us, but also for all the organisms living in and along the water. You are invited to join the campaign and visit our stand where you will get to know especially smaller freshwater inhabitants.

More about the campaign you can find at organizer's page and his facebook profile.

Cleaning actions started

Spring officiall started and with it also cleaning actions. Among first ones are also cleaning actions of Diving Association Maribor and Bovec Sport Center. Both cleaning actions will take place on Saturday, 23rd March 2013.

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Diving Association Maribor is organizing already 21st International enivornmental action Drava 2013 NI NAM VSEENO! (=WE DO CARE!). They will start with diving at 12 pm on river bank at Vodni stolp in Maribor. At the same time action will take place also in Dravograd, Ruše, Varaždin and Ptuj. More about the action in official invitation. Aquaviva will join with a stand.

SCB logo vertikalThe second action that Aquaviva project team will join this Saturday is the 5th traditional cleaning action "BOVEC SPORT CENTER" in Bovec. The gathering point is at Bovec airport at 10 am. Additionaly we will have a lecture for all participants of Information meeting of pproviders and guides on Soča River. More information about the action.

Otter connects waters

On Friday, 22nd March 2013, is World Water Day.  Lutra Institute will celebrate it by performing an all-day workshop for public. The workshop will be performed in collaboration with National Institute of Biology and with support od Ministry for Agriculture and the Environment. Place was provided by Ljubljana Tourism. It will take place at Špica in Ljubljani, with a start at 9 am. The activities are mainly appropriate for children and youngsters, but adults are also welcome. Together we are going to discover and learn about freshwater biodiversity, make simple but interesting water experiments, analyse water quality and make wetland models. We invite you to join us. You can bring with you a water sample that you would like to analyse and an empty plastic bottle with volume 1.5 l if you wish to make wetland model. We will take care of the rest. 

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