Official start of International Year of Water Cooperation

Last Monday, 11th February 2013, was an official start of United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, that was declared by United Nations General Assembly already in December 2010. The kick-off took place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. United Nations want to rais awareness both on the potential for increased cooperation, and on the challenges facing water management in light of the increase in demand for water access, allocation and services. Although we are often not aware, water is one of the most important resources for life, therefore we have to manage it responsibly and effectively.

Official slogan of International Year is »Water, Water Everywhere, Only if We Share«, while in Slovenia events, celebrating International Year, are marked with different names. All events from Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment are joined under the name »Vode povezujejo (= Water Connects)«. Several events will also organize Slovenian Museum of Natural History: cycle of lectures Moder planet (= Blue Planet) and cycle of workshops Kapljice (= Drops).

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