Coordination committee of the project established

koordinacijski2Soon after oficial start of Aquaviva project we invited partners, co-financers, participants and associates of the project to first meeting of coordination committee. Tasks of the committee is following project activities, accepting important decisions and helping coordinator to coordinate activities. The meeting took place on 19th October 2011 in Otter Information Centre Aqualutra in Goričko, where all the participants got a chance to meet each other and get familiar with the project and shared actions. We also invited numerouse media to the event, but there was no response. The missing partakers were informed about results of the meeting later.

koordinacijski1The natural environment of the information centre was pleasent and constructive for the discussion. We were especially glad of active response of co-financer of the project, Holding Slovenske Elektrarne. For their employees we are preparing a special project presentation, since the topic of conservation of natural and clean waters is interesting to them and concernes them also their business.

On the meeting partners and co-financers recieved contracts of collaborating in the project.

The meeting proceeded according to agenda (below) and was finished with a sociable lunch in a nearby village.

1 - introduction and presentation of project LIFE+ AQUAVIVA

2 - establishment of coordination committee and appointment of members

3 - determination of tasks of partners, co-financers and partakers in the project

4 - presentation of and signing the contract

5 - tour of AQUALUTRA centre and educational facilities in direct vicinity

5 - questions from journalists

6 - »po Goričko« treat