Take a ride with us on Ljubljanica

In the framework of Aquaviva project Lutra Institute will celebrate World Water Day on a boat trip on Ljubljanica. This year's theme of World Water Day is "The world is thirsty because we are hungry". United Nations are warning us on a large use of water in the process of food production. Excessive use of water is one of the threats of freshwater biodiversity, which is the subject of LIFE+ project AQUAVIVA: Live water - from biodiversity to the tap. The aim of this communication project is to raise awareness on this topic.

There are still some free spaces on the boat that wit a bit of luck can be taken by you. Your task is simple. All you have to do is visit AQUAVIVA facebook profile and answer to prize question. From correct answers we will choose 5 people by lot that will join us on a boat trip on 22nd March 2012 at 12 pm.